References: |
Staples, L.W. and Gard, J.A. |
| | "The fibrous zeolite erionite; its occurrence, unit cell and structure" |
| Mineral. Mag., 32, 261-281 (1959) |
| Material name: Erionite |
| Chemical formula: [Al9Si27O72]-ERI |
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Gard, J.A. and Tait, J.M. |
| | "Refinement of the crystal structure of erionite" |
| Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Molecular Sieves, , pp. 94-99 (1973) |
Kawahara, A. and Curien, H. |
| | "La structure cristalline de l'érionite" |
| Bull. Soc. fr. Minéral. Cristallogr., 92, 250-256 (1969) |
| Material name: Erionite |
| Chemical formula: [Al9Si27O72]-ERI |
Schlenker, J.L., Pluth, J.J. and Smith, J.V. |
| | "Dehydrated natural erionite with stacking faults of the offretite type" |
| Acta Crystallogr., B33, 3265-3268 (1977) |
| Material name: Erionite |
| Chemical formula: [Al9Si27O72]-ERI