References: |
McGuire, N.K., Blackwell, C.S., Bateman, C.A., Wilson, S.T. and Kirchner, R.M. |
| private communication, , (1994) |
| Material name: SAPO-56 |
| Chemical formula: [Al23Si5P20O96]-AFX |
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Wilson, S.T., Broach, R.W., Blackwell, C.S., Bateman, C.A., McGuire, N.K. and Kirchner, R.M. |
| | "Synthesis, characterization and structure of SAPO-56, a member of the ABC double-six-ring family of materials with stacking sequence AABBCCBB" |
| Microporous Mesoporous Mat., 28, 125-137 (1999) |