Cell parameters: |
orthorhombic |
C m m e (# 67) |
a = 8.5790 Å |
b = 15.3110 Å |
c = 9.6610 Å |
α = 90.000° |
β = 90.000° |
γ = 90.000° |
Volume = |
1269.0 Å3 |
RDLS = |
0.0051 |
Framework density (FDSi): |
18.9 T/1000 Å3 |
Topological density: |
TD10 = 960 |
TD = 0.816667 | |
Essential rings: |
[81·66·41] |
Channel dimensionality: |
Topological (pore opening > 6-ring): 1-dimensional |
Maximum diameter of a sphere: |
that can be included |
4.74 Å |
that can diffuse along |
a: 3.48 Å |
b: 2.39 Å |
c: 2.14 Å |
Accessible volume: |
3.92 %
Secondary Building Units: |
6 or 4-[1,1]
Composite Building Units: |
Framework images
(click on icon for larger image)
| | projection along [100] | 8-ring channel viewed along [100] |