XRD 12 ID = 10011

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data_SSZ-55_as-synthesized _chemical_formula_structural '|(C15N1F1)1.04|[Si22.9B1.1O48]' _chemical_formula_sum 'Si 22.87 B 1.13 O 62 C 19.60 F 1.04 N 1.04' _cell_formula_units_Z 1 _cell_length_a 12.92118(7) _cell_length_b 21.2154(3) _cell_length_c 5.09122(4) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_volume 1395.64(2) _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M C2221 _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 20 _symmetry_cell_setting orthorhombic _diffrn_ambient_temperature 295 _diffrn_measurement_device_type 'synchrotron' _pd_meas_number_of_points 13333 _pd_meas_2theta_range_min 2.000 _pd_meas_2theta_range_max 50.000 _pd_meas_2theta_range_inc 0.004 _pd_meas_wavelength 0.77492(1) _pd_proc_ls_prof_R_factor 0.148 _pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_factor 0.150 _pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_expected 0.001 _refine_ls_number_parameters 93 _refine_ls_number_restraints 38 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x, y, z ' '-x, y, -z+1/2 ' 'x, -y, -z ' '-x, -y, z+1/2 ' 'x+1/2, y+1/2, z ' '-x+1/2, y+1/2, -z+1/2 ' 'x+1/2, -y+1/2, -z ' '-x+1/2, -y+1/2, z+1/2 ' loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_B_iso_or_equiv Si1 Si 8 0.11549(9) 0.24166(6) 0.2085(2) 0.859(4) 1.54(2) Si1 B 8 0.11549(9) 0.24166(6) 0.2085(2) 0.141(4) 1.54(2) Si2 Si 8 0.38003(9) 0.45963(6) 0.2504(3) 1 1.54(2) Si3 Si 8 0.30944(9) 0.32397(6) 0.2092(2) 1 1.54(2) O2 O 4 0.5 0.43958(14) 0.25 1 2.22(5) O1 O 4 0 0.26676(15) 0.25 1 2.22(5) O3 O 8 0.30937(16) 0.39835(7) 0.2569(5) 1 2.22(5) O4 O 8 0.19281(12) 0.29962(9) 0.2285(5) 1 2.22(5) O5 O 8 0.12254(16) 0.21068(10) 0.9230(3) 1 2.22(5) O6 O 4 0.3567(2) 0.5 0 1 2.22(5) O7 O 8 0.14513(17) 0.19065(10) 0.4252(3) 1 2.22(5) O8 O 4 0.3560(3) 0.5 0.5 1 2.22(5) C11 C 8 0.93719(18) 0.58745(14) 0.1319(6) 0.1956(3) 3 N12 N 8 1.03210(10) 0.56306(6) 0.2538(3) 0.1304(2) 3 C13 C 8 1.0531(3) 0.49927(10) 0.1549(6) 0.1956(3) 3 C14 C 8 1.11923(18) 0.60452(13) 0.1894(7) 0.1956(3) 3 C15 C 8 1.01887(19) 0.56088(8) 0.5402(3) 0.1734(3) 3 C16 C 8 1.02053(9) 0.49733(6) 0.6863(2) 0.1304(2) 3 C17 C 8 1.02940(11) 0.51057(8) 0.9818(3) 0.1304(2) 3 C18 C 8 1.13049(14) 0.50382(8) 1.1080(5) 0.1512(3) 3 C19 C 8 1.17184(14) 0.55686(8) 1.2325(5) 0.1512(3) 3 C110 C 8 1.11393(13) 0.61228(7) 1.2406(7) 0.1512(3) 3 C111 C 8 1.00694(10) 0.60921(6) 1.2010(5) 0.1304(2) 3 F112 F 8 0.9453(2) 0.66211(11) 1.2481(10) 0.1304(2) 3 C113 C 8 0.96330(12) 0.55497(9) 1.0908(5) 0.1512(3) 3 C114 C 8 0.91896(13) 0.46301(8) 0.6373(6) 0.1734(3) 3 C115 C 8 0.95109(13) 0.39644(8) 0.5515(8) 0.1734(3) 3 C116 C 8 1.07139(13) 0.39387(8) 0.5338(13) 0.1734(3) 3 C117 C 8 1.11453(13) 0.45977(8) 0.6013(6) 0.1734(3) 3