Database of Disordered Zeolite Structures
Measured Powder Pattern for HPM-14, calcined

Data details
Data supplied by
Miguel A. Camblor
Institute of Materials Science of Madrid
Spanish National Research Council-CSIC
28049 Madrid, Spain
Data collection
Special condition: To project the calcined sample from moisture it was covered with a plastic film during the data collection. The background from the film was subtracted afterwards.
Instrument used: Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer
Radiation: Cu Kα
Wavelength: 1.541800Å
HPM-14: A New Germanosilicate Zeolite with Interconnected Extra-Large Pores Plus Odd-Membered and Small Pores
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,60,3438–3442 (2021)
Diffration data for HPM-14, calcined as a text file
Change wavelength for database XRD pattern
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