Database of Disordered Zeolite Structures
Measured Powder Pattern for UZM-55, calcined rehydraterd

Data details
Data supplied by
John Mowat
Advanced Characterization
Honeywell UOP
Des Plaines, Illinois, USA
Data collection
Special condition: Room temperature
Instrument used: Rigaku Smartlab, rotating anode
Radiation: Ge 220x2 monochromator
Wavelength: 1.540600Å
DIFFaX Modeling of Faulting in the Triclinic Zeolite UZM-55 and Description of a New Polymorph: UZM-55FM
Cryst. Growth Des.,19,5961−5966 (2019)
Material description
calcined at 600C, equilibrated at ambient temperature and humidity
  Chemical composition: [Si - O]
Diffration data for UZM-55, calcined rehydraterd as a text file
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